Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Midterm! and blog assignment.

Next week is our midterm.

Please bring your books!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The first half of the midterm is open book.
You probably want to have done your reading and be familiar with the material.

ALSO, as I mentioned last week, the second part of your midterm is collecting photos. You can take or find these photos. For this assignment, I want to see at least five great examples.

What you turn in should not require a computer to view.

I will return it to you.

The idea is to begin a collection of images and textures that inspire your creativity.

Begin a notebook or file for the photos. Each photo should include a short write up about what you like about it, or what strikes you, in terms of lighting and composition. At least three images write ups must specifically discuss lighting.

Some things you might look for:
golden hour lighting
foreground interest
long lens shots
wide lens shots
interesting close ups
background textures
highlight/shadow - chiaroscuro
mis en scene - action within the frame
lighting that draws the eye to something in the frame

Turn in your notebook/folder the Wednesday following Spring Break.

You will post your favorite lighting image, and it's description, on the class blog as a separate assignment. You must have rights to the posted image, or give proper credit for it.

This additional blog assignment is due March 25th.

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